Fitness Fuel: Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition

Train Yourself

Proper pre-workout nutrition boosts your energy, performance, and prevents muscle breakdown.

Why Pre-Workout Nutrition Matters

Eat bananas, oatmeal, Greek yogurt with fruit, or whole grain toast with peanut butter.

Top Pre-Workout Foods

Always eat 30-60 minutes before exercise. Avoid heavy meals right before workouts.

When to Eat Before Exercising

Post-workout nutrition aids muscle recovery, replenishes glycogen, and reduces soreness.

The Role of Post-Workout Nutrition

Enjoy grilled chicken with veggies, protein shakes, quinoa salad, or chocolate milk.

Top Post-Workout Foods

Stay hydrated before, during, and after workouts. Water and hydration drinks are essential.

Don't Forget Hydration

Follow simple plan with pre- and post-workout meal ideas.

Your Sample Meal Plan

Avoid processed foods, listen to your body, and adjust diet based on workout intensity.

Final Tips

Are Chocolate Muffins Good for Health?